Eastern Star Lodge A.F. & A.M.

Est. 1924 | Meets 2nd Wednesday

243 Winthrop Street, Rehoboth, MA, 02769

Eastern Star Lodge Holiday Party

Event Info:

Now that the holidays have just passed, come and enjoy one more celebration with some great fellowship and a delicious meal!

Cocktail Hour: 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Dinner: 6:00 pm
Music & dancing afterwards

Menu – Hors d’oeuvres:
Caprese Salad Bites
Salmon Mousse on Cucumber
Prosciutto Bruschetta
Cheese Plate

Menu – Dinner:
Asparagus-Stuffed Chicken in cream sauce
Crab-Stuffed Sole
Rice Pilaf
Fondant Potatoes

Key Details

Event Venue:

Event Organizer: